gather … connect … grow … impact!

We meet in person and online each Sunday morning at 11:00 AM


Our Mission

This is what we do!
We Gather, Connect, Grow and Impact!

Our mission at ODCC is to continue what Jesus started: To build the Kingdom of God or God’s Beloved Community!  Our definition of the Kingdom of God or God’s Beloved Community is our Identity Statement found on this link

Creating this community through an intentional effort to grow and develop our faith AND express Christ’s way of life not experienced in the world is our mission! 

For our mission to be realized, it requires that all of us Gather in worship to be in God’s presence, Connect with each other and created honest, healthy, and real relationships that allow us, Grow in faith in understanding Scripture so we are equipped to Impact the community around us to change lives!  You are invited to be a part of and grow in this community.


God calls us together weekly to celebrate and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. We come with open minds and hearts willing to be molded into Disciples of Jesus Christ. 

How and when we gather: 

We gather for worship every Sunday at 11:00.  You can gather with us in person at 1809 Hollister Street, Houston, TX 77055.  We are currently meeting at the Korean Community Center.  You can also gather with on Facebook Live by going to our page at OPEN DOOR Christian Church.  There will many opportunities to gather as a larger family throughout the year. 



God calls us together to create God’s version of family that celebrates life’s victories; cares for one another during life’s difficulties; builds each other up with encouragement; strengthens one another during times of weakness; and keeps us focused on our identity as God’s unique Children.

Connecting with the larger community takes place when we worship together or have larger events such as meals and celebrating people in our community.  However, real connection takes place in smaller groups such as a study group that meets every Sunday morning at 10:00 as well as a Men’s Group that meets every third Thursday at 10:00 am. 

But the greatest way to connect with others and your faith is by being a part of a Discipleship Group.  You may join a group that currently exists, or we can create one to meet your needs during a day and time the fits your schedule.  Within these groups, faith relationships are built and deepened, caregiving is experienced, understanding faith issues and Scriptures are studied and discussed, and finding your place, your ministry, and your purpose in life is explored.  Follow the link and fill out of the form to begin the process of seeking the right Discipleship Group for you!



The goal of every follower of Jesus is to mature in his or her faith and understanding of God. By utilizing the seven elements of faith, we teach the Gospel and provide the tools to train and equip people to grow into their God-given purpose and never remain stagnant.

Follow this link to learn more about the 7 Elements of Faith and how to grow deeper in your relationship with God and discover your purpose!


God calls us to get out of the safety of our Community of Faith and create opportunities to bring people into ODCC and help them take their place in God’s Kingdom where new life awaits. We change the world one disciple at a time!

We impact the world through self-realization of our Spiritual DNA.  A life in Christ is a life-long journey of discovering the purpose God created you to fulfill while on this earth.  But working through the 7 Elements of Faith, and practicing various ministry opportunities, you will find your niche that will send you on the path to fulfil your purpose.  As you grow in your faith, your purpose deepens and the journey becomes more exciting.  Using the spiritual gifts God has given you with those who share in your passions, you will gain an greater understanding of who you are and why God uniquely created you!